Information: This script stores availability details for clan wars. Users must be authorized to use the commands. The bot will also automatically change your channel's topic to the availability details of the next war. Changes log for ClanAvail.tcl: Version 1.4 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team web site. * Removed die lines. * Code cleanups. Version 1.3 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team web site. * Bug fixes. Version 1.2 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team web site. * Availability is now cleared when !wardetails is typed. Version 1.1 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team web site. * !wardetails works now. * An extra space is no longer added to the topic. * You can now choose to append or prefix the existing topic.