$Id: Changes0.6,v 1.4 2008-11-29 14:39:45 tothwolf Exp $ Eggdrop Changes (starting with 0.6c) _____________________________________________________________________ 0.6r (April 4, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - When switching servers, it used to think it was on the channel again even if it wasn't -- fixed - Used to crash when receiving really long one-word msgs -- fixed 0.6q (April 2, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - 'pass' with 2 parameters changes your password now - 'info' with no parameters shows your current info - Host masking is better now - Master-command '.info' to retrieve someone's info - New msg command 'who' to show all users info 0.6p (April 1, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - 'help' works a little better but is still sparse - 'pass', 'info', 'ident' cleaned up and show standard-looking console entries now - 'op' and 'invite' converted to standard console entries - Can't set your password too long now - New command '.match' to look up users by matching a nickname wildcard, or by attributes (precede with '+': ie, '+m' to find masters) 0.6o (March 31, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - 'hello' actually programmed in :) - People recognized by the bot (who have a password set) can get a new hostmask recognized via msg: 'ident ' - People who get lost in netsplits aren't logged with log-joins=off now (oops) - New file misc.c created to better modularize the code - 'pass ' from someone the bot knows who doesn't have a password set, will set a password for them - 'info ' will set your join info, assuming the bot is using infofile 0.6n (March 30, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - (happy birthday brandon!) - 'yes'/'no'/'true'/'false'/'y'/'n'/'t'/'f' can be used in SET - learn-users (new set variable) allows new members to the channel to send a 'hello' to the bot and get in the user list (if not already there) - Very pointless old helpbot code removed -- no plans for any helpbot support in the future 0.6m (March 28, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - 'host unreachable' trapped now 0.6l (March 22, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - New configfile variable 'infofile' for user info lines - New configfile set 'greet' to turn on/off auto-greet using the infofile (will check the infofile for a handle that matches the one found for the user joining, and if found, will dump that line to the channel) 0.6k (March 17, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Remembers what dcc directory you were last in (stored in user file) - Fixed extra-space bug in updating file list - Will show handle in '.channel' if it can find one for that user - Can change description now, but still can't add one - Time/date stamps notes in the notefile - desc works now 0.6j (March 16, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - '.note' works for non-masters now (it was supposed to all along) - A '.note' while that user is online is treated like a private message -- that was always true -- but now it looks more like one - Ban list in '.channel' tries to conserve space now, and should show bans placed by servers (instead of claiming "unknown") - Acknowledges successful file receive and adds it to the incoming directory list now 0.6i (March 14, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Won't babble about how it's reversing illegal mode changes if it's not even op'd - mkdir/rmdir work now - 60 seconds flood instead of 1 for flood detect (and it works now) 0.6h (March 11, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Fixed dcc chat connection to IP numbers -- it works now (hostname lookup not required) - Config parameter 'dccdir' changed to 'dcc-path' (this is the start location of any file transfer user) - New config parameter 'dcc-incoming' which is the path to store uploaded files -- if you leave it undefined, nobody can upload - Made it so the master-only file system commands actually require you to be a master (oops) - New file system commands: 'import', 'hide', 'rm', 'mkdir', 'rmdir' for masters (file system is starting to become a bit more respectable) - Eggdrop will warn you if it doesn't understand (and therefore is going to ignore) a line in its config file - Extra frivolous command '.me' added (public actions) 0.6g (March 10, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Removed old clumsy and stupid ignore code - People on the ignore list only have msgs, notices, and ctcp's ignored now, not vital information like kicks, joins, etc (duh) - Flooding via msg or notice is activated by 5 from the same host in 1 second, and results in that host being added to the ingore list - Flooding a channel with msgs, notices, or nick changes is activated by 10 from the same host in 1 second, and results in a kick from the channel - Flooding via ctcp (to the bot or channel) is activated by 5 from the same host in 1 second, and results in that host being added to the ignore list, AND the user being kicked from the channel, if they are on it 0.6f (March 9, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - New command line option -c when used with -n, which will dump a '.channel' and '.status' output to the terminal every 10 seconds - New command line option -t when used with -n, which makes the terminal appear as another member of the party line - Mode changes made by someone who gained ops via server (and isn't in the op-list) are reversed and a kick is sent out for them -- an auto-deop is sent out for each invalid server op but sometimes users can make quick mode changes before the deop propogates -- this controls the damage 0.6e (March 7, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Got rid of warning messages from net.c - Only shows nickname of person who placed the ban in '.channel' - Shortened date/time listing in '.channel' of when a user joined the channel -- now it's "15:45" or "14Mar" or "dunno" - No longer crashes horribly when it can't get the telnet port it wants (used to go into an infinite loop!) - The 'log' command now can be used as 'log ' which will show you log entries from mins ago until mins ago - Fixed ignore bug (ignore works now on users who also have an entry in the user list) - If it can't get the telnet port it wants, it will keep trying the next port till it's tried 20 -- THEN it will give up; ie configfile port 2000 could get assigned port 2000 through 2020 - Five msgs/etc from the same host in one second are now considered a flood and get that host put on the ignore list - Closes dcc sockets on dying now (oops!) 0.6d (March 3, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - IP number connections were using negative values (eek!) - fixed - No more "mode change on nonexistant" when kickbanning - 'op' and 'deop' won't let you op/deop people not on the channel, or op a deop-listed person, or deop and op-listed person - Now supports server entries like 'hub.cs.jmu.edu:6665' to allow other ports besides 6667 - Can msg bot 'invite [pass]' to get invited to a +i channel - Separated a new file 'users.c' from 'chanprog.c' to keep modularity - New notes function... store notes for masters or op-listers when they're offline: configfile 'notefile ' -- command '.note ' - New command 'log [#]' will show the log file for the past # minutes (or default of 60 = 1 hour) 0.6c (March 2, 1994): # Released by: Robey [Robey Pointer ] - Tried to fix hostname lookup for dcc chat - will attempt to connect via IP number now - New +console,-console to turn on/off console for non-masters - Fixed (?) bus error when -ignore or -ban on the last ignore/ban - Using -master or +master on someone on the party line will now have an immediate effect (no more leaving & rejoining)