Users and Flags

People on IRC are recognized by the bot according to their nick!user@host. That is, if I am on IRC as:

*** Robey is (i hate milk)

Eggdrop will identify me according to "Robey!" and not only by my nickname.

then Eggdrop will identify me according to "" and not by my nickname. I can change nicknames at will and it won't forget me.

Eggdrop does not have access levels like some bots. There are no meaningless numbers or titles. Instead, each user has "flags" that entitle them to certain privileges. Think of a flag as a badge. Any user can have any number of flags -- you can have no flags, or you can have all of them. Some flags are good, some are bad. Each flag is identified by a letter. A channel flag applies only to a specific channel, and a global flag applies to all channels. The standard global flags are:

n (owner)

user has absolute control. Only give this flag to people you trust completely.

m (master)

user has access to almost every feature of the bot.

t (botnet-master)

user has access to all features dealing with the botnet.

a (auto-op)

user is opped automatically upon joining a channel.

o (op)

user has op access to all of the bot's channels.

y (auto-halfop)

user is halfopped automatically upon joining a channel.

l (halfop)

user has halfop access to all of the bot's channels.

g (auto-voice)

user is voiced automatically upon joining a channel.

v (voice)

user gets +v automatically on +autovoice channels.

f (friend)

user is not punished for flooding, etc.

p (party)

user has access to the partyline.

q (quiet)

user does not get voice on +autovoice channels.

r (dehalfop)

user cannot gain halfops on any of the bot's channels.

d (deop)

user cannot gain ops on any of the bot's channels.

k (auto-kick)

user is kicked and banned automatically.

x (xfer)

user has access to the file transfer area of the bot (if it exists) and can send and receive files to/from the bot.

j (janitor)

user can perform maintenance in the file area of the bot (if it exists) -- like a "master" of the file area. Janitors have complete access to the filesystem.

c (common)

this marks a user who is connecting from a public site from which any number of people can use IRC. The user will now be recognized by NICKNAME.

b (bot)

user is a bot.

w (wasop-test)

user needs wasop test for +stopnethack procedure.

z (washalfop-test)

user needs washalfop test for +stopnethack procedure.

e (nethack-exempt)

user is exempted from stopnethack protection.

u (unshared)

user record is not sent to other bots.

h (highlight)

use bold text in help/text files.

All global flags other then u, h, b, c, x, j, and p are also channel- specific flags. Flags are set with the chattr command. The syntax for this command is:

chattr <nickname> [attributes] [channel]

There are also 26 global user-defined flags and 26 channel user-defined flags. These are used by scripts, and their uses very depending on the script that uses them.

Copyright © 1997 Robey Pointer
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team Eggheads Development Team