$Id: CONTENTS,v 1.16 2011/02/13 14:19:33 simple Exp $ Directory Contents - doc/settings/ Last revised: April 16, 2003 _____________________________________________________________________ Directory Contents - doc/settings core.settings All module-independent Eggdrop settings are documented here. mod.assoc Documentation for the assoc module is provided in this file. mod.blowfish Documentation for the blowfish module is provided in this file. mod.channels Documentation for the channels module is provided in this file. mod.compress Documentation for the compress module is provided in this file. mod.console Documentation for the console module is provided in this file. mod.ctcp Documentation for the ctcp module is provided in this file. mod.dns Documentation for the dns module is provided in this file. mod.filesys Documentation for the filesys module is provided in this file. mod.irc Documentation for the irc module is provided in this file. mod.notes Documentation for the notes module is provided in this file. mod.seen Documentation for the seen module is provided in this file. mod.server Documentation for the server module is provided in this file. mod.share Documentation for the share module is provided in this file. mod.transfer Documentation for the transfer module is provided in this file. mod.uptime Documentation for the uptime module is provided in this file. mod.wire Documentation for the wire module is provided in this file. mod.woobie Documentation for the woobie module is provided in this file. ________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 2003 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team