$Id: mod.transfer,v 1.20 2011/02/13 14:19:33 simple Exp $ Transfer Module Last revised: January 1, 2002 _____________________________________________________________________ Transfer Module The transfer module provides DCC SEND/GET support and userfile transfer support for userfile sharing. This module requires: none Put this line into your Eggdrop configuration file to load the transfer module: loadmodule transfer There are also some variables you can set in your config file: set max-dloads 3 Set here the maximum number of simultaneous downloads to allow for each user. set dcc-block 0 Set here the block size for dcc transfers. ircII uses 512 bytes, but admits that may be too small. 1024 is standard these days. Set this to 0 to use turbo-dcc (recommended). set copy-to-tmp 1 Enable this setting if you want to copy files into the /tmp directory before sending them. This is useful on most systems for file stability, but if your directories are NFS mounted, it's a pain, and you'll want to set this to 0. If you are low on disk space, you may also want to set this to 0. set xfer-timeout 30 Set here the time (in seconds) to wait before an inactive transfer times out. _____________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 2000 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team