eggdrop0.9tp+cmw.patch 4274 this is a diff -c of all of these patches, this will allow you to upgrade your eggdrop to 0.9tp+cmw bot. It includes all of the other *.diff patches, and you still need to do the 0.9tp2 patch on your bot, which can be found here. * fixes user flags above 5 in files.c, userrec.c, and users.c * removes assoc's via tandem, which causes 0.9tp bots to create an immense amount of garbage entries, due to, apparently, killing them. * fixes obsolete use of +attr/-attr in chg_attr_u(), which broke the revenge feature. (this is a really nasty little bug) * applys the fixed mode function, which now checks when an enforced limit is being changed. (i.e. if someone sets +l 1 and the enforced mode is +l 40)