This patch includes: * Added info to README and botchk on how to setup a cron without receiving emails from cron * Added check for a userfile in botchk. Move the ~new or ~bak file over if one doesn't exist. * Fixed flag bindings for help files * added console wallops to log wallops sent to bot. Also added user def'd log levels 6-8 * Updated nets.list for RussianNet and The-Net * Added action.fix.tcl to the standard tcl scripts. * Added tcl command topic that returns the topic of the channel given to it. Also .topic without arguments returns the console channel's topic * Fixed nulluser from being shared out * Added define for the default irc port to connect to in eggdrop.h * Fixed revenge bug of "Banning so and so now..." not setting a ban. * Made +ban be able to set channel specific bans. Also -ban will remove matching channel bans. * Made it so only owners can change a shared bot's password. * New telnet users can't use the bot's name as a username * Ported beldin's NEWLINKS code from 1.1 * Made .nick be able to be used by any partyline users * Added feature that bot msgs users on channel and partyline that they have notes every hour. The time after the hour is set in the config file with set notify-users-at * Added an extra * in front of the username in maskhost in case of users not running ident. * msg_ident returns if person tries to ident with bot's name. Could be used for detection * msg_op requires a password to be set in order to op a user. Also, msg_op can take a channel as an arguement and only op the user in that channel instead of all the channels * fixed bug in tputs with logging an invalid socket * added setting timezone in config for scripting purposes to keep track of the bots timezone * Added tcl command resetchan from julius+bel1 * Expanded tcl command dcclist to include bots, files receiving, files sending, and files send pending * Fixed memory leak in userrec.c * Allowed channels with 8-bit characters in channels