* Eggdrop1.1.5+Kirk Patch Description * Version 2 --- Changes made to Eggdrop1.1.5 with this patch: * when a nick flooder is on the channel, the bot will do a temporary ban on the rude individual's domain. This prevents the bot from disconnecting with excess flood, whilst trying to ban all the idents from the host flooding it. * added an new flag, +i, which will make the bot op that person automatically, so you can select which individuals, usually people with static IP's, the bot will automatically op, even when autoop is disabled in the config file. * have added a new setting in the config file, "strict-telnet", which uses the specified file in the "hosts-file" variable. When somebody attempts to telnet to the bot, their host is checked to see if it is in the hosts which are allowed to telnet in, which are contained in the hosts-file. The bot will reject any hosts which aren't in the file. * new commands added to DCC chat to do with the strict-telnet modification, alterations to help files for the new commands. Wildcards are allowed for the hosts allowed to telnet in, e.g. *.bob.com would let all bob.com domains telnet in. * .sort command has been added to the file system. I'm not sure if this is what people wanted, it sorts the files, in the current directory, into ascending alphabetical order. --- Ian Kaney ikaney@trouty.demon.co.uk