Information: This script adds a global ban to the bot's banlist without using DCC chat. The format for the ban time is . E.g. 2d4h5m would set the ban for 2 days, 4 hours, and 5 minutes; 0d5h4m would set the ban for 5 hours and 4 minutes. 0 would make the ban permanent. Changes log for GBan.tcl: Version 1.3 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team website. * Fixed some places where I was using list operations on strings. Version 1.2 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team website. * Minor documentation updates. * Completely removed the GBAN: prefix from all notices. * Changed the time format. * Made all users matching a ban get kicked. Version 1.1 * Released to the public from the |DAWG| Scripting Team website. * Minor documentation updates. * Added the option to make bans expire after a certain time.